Accounting and Financial Services

Maintaining your finances can be tedious and time-consuming. As a small business, you likely have a lot of income and expenses that you need to track so you don’t have a headache during the tax season. It’s likely that you don’t know the ins and outs of financial aspects like bookkeeping and tax preparation, so instead of focusing on your business you have to research and learn how to do these tasks yourself.

There’s no need to waste your valuable time on something that professionals spend years to learn and master. In fact, it’s highly recommended that the first task you should outsource as a small business is the financial aspect.

How Our Small Business Financial Services Help You:

Our accounting and financial services for small businesses begins with an initial consultation. This helps our team at KANA Solutions understand the different aspects of your business and how it’s all connected. Knowing how your business is setup and functions helps us to custom tailor a plan that not only works for you, but gives you more time to focus on your business to increase revenue.

Once we’ve got the basics down, we can also go over your budget. We understand that as a small business you may not have a big budget just yet, and that’s okay. We’ll be able to recommend the most important components to start with so that you can devote more time to your business. With more time that you can dedicate to your small business, the more potential revenue you can bring in.

Learn more about our accounting and financial services

Marketing Services

You’ve got a great idea, product, or service. Your small business is set up and you’re ready to take on the world of business with your passion. But, as it turns out, getting leads and sales is a lot easier said than done.

Especially as a small business, you need to get your business out there. That’s where marketing comes into the picture. But where should you start? In today’s technological age, digital and online marketing has become just as important, if not more important, than traditional marketing alone. Regardless of how great your small business is with its product or service, it’s not much good if people don’t know about i!

How Our Marketing Services Increase Your Visibility:

KANA Solutions and our partners use the latest technology, methods, and marketing tools to boost traffic to your business. This increased traffic through both traditional and digital marketing methods increases your changes for leads and sales. As more and more people discover your business, they’ll end up telling their friends, family, and coworkers if you have a good product or service.

We start with a consultation to determine which marketing methods will be most efficient for your niche. Some business types get better results from certain methods compared to others. We’ll discuss your options for traditional marketing as well as digital marketing. In today’s market, though, if you don’t have an online presence you are putting yourself at a severe disadvantage.

Learn more about our Marketing Services

Graphic Design Services

Wonderfully designed graphics are great for your business, but it’s so much more than that. Custom graphics that are tailored towards your small business are much more efficient. One of the main purposes of graphic design is to be able to visually communicate your business to others.

Brand recognition is critical for the long-term. Think about businesses like Google or Microsoft; their logos and graphics are easily recognizable even without their business name. Using graphics, logos, and brand-specific templates helps people to easily recognize your business and what it is.

How Our Graphic Design Services Build Your Image:

We want to make sure your graphics and/or logos are perfect. This involves a process of learning about you, your business, and how you want to present yourself. Our experts can also provide consultation down to the meaning of different strokes and shapes, and even how colors are related to different industries. For example, the color green is often used for finance companies and blue is often used for medical.

Once we’ve learned more about your business, we can start determining what you need. If it’s a logo, we can discuss things like custom graphics, fonts, and more. Custom-made templates for advertising and social media marketing are extremely helpful because it shows a higher level of professionalism versus stock templates.

Learn more about our Graphic Design Services

Administrative Services

Let’s face it, the last thing that you want to do after a long day of running your small business is deal with documents, managing appointments, organizing calendars, or even answering phone calls. KANA Solutions uses only the most efficient and trustworthy partners to offer these vital administrative services for your business.

Administrative services are designed to help a small business work more efficiently. This involves maintaining organized systems and efficient record keeping. Additionally, you will want to ensure that all of your documents are tailored to your business and meet its needs.

How Our Small Business Administrative Services Keep You On Track:

There are a wide variety of administrative tasks that your small business can outsource to professionals. When you start outsourcing these tasks, you’re getting a two-for-one deal: you are allowing someone else to do tasks that gives you more time to focus on your business and those very same administrative tasks have the purpose of making speeding up your processes and providing better organization. No longer will you have to worry about keeping track of appointments and deadlines.

You can also save your small business money by outsourcing your administrative tasks instead of hiring someone. Essentially, you are contracting a remote worker who doesn’t have to rely on an office that you have to pay for and maintain. You also don’t have to provide an employee with a computer and software. Instead you simply select the tasks that you need to outsource, go over some small details, and get back to running your business.

Learn more about our Administrative Services

Other Services

KANA Solutions is also able to provide some specialty services for architects and designers. Part of presenting your design to a client is allowing the client to visualize it. Not only does this help you to make sure you are ensuring their vision, but it helps the client reach their desired end-product.

If you have any kind of physical store or office where you will meet with clients, first impressions are important. The first thing that many consumers will judge about any business as they walk in is the design and layout. A large amount of information about your business is communicated through the design. Having a consultation for interior design can maximize the potential for the space that you do have.

3D Rendering and Interior Design Services For Your Small Business:

If you’re looking to maximize your potential, KANA Solutions is here to guide you. After a consultation, you’ll be put in touch with our designer to walk you through every step of the way until you get the perfect result that you want.

Learn more about our Specialty Services