Graphic Design

Ever heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”? When it comes to business, even small businesses, custom graphic can be worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars for your company. This is because carefully crafted graphics are more than just some shapes and colors.

Professionally curated graphics are also a form of communication between you and your target audience. Graphics are often found in every step of a marketing funnel to help increase leads and sales. Plus, graphics tend to be a lot more memorable compared only using text. First impressions are also important. When a customer views your website or your advertisement for the first time, professionally-made graphics are much more likely to grab their attention and show you are putting real effort into your business.

Graphic Design For Small Businesses

Graphic design services from bigger companies tend to cost more because of all of their expenses as a larger company. KANA Solutions utilizes a graphic designer that is passionate about every logo and every graphic created for your business. Many small businesses don’t have a lot of upfront budget to spend on custom graphics, but we make ours affordable for a small business without taking shortcuts or sacrificing quality.

If you’d like to inquire about our graphic design services, just let us know so we can schedule a consultation. Then we can go over the details of your business and what kind of graphics you are looking for. We can also suggest the best style for marketing as even the smallest details matter.

Learn more about our graphic design services.

Logo Design

Your logo is one of the most important marketing tools you can have. You shouldn’t overlook your logo and brush it off as non-important. The logo for your small business represents everything that your business is. When you use a pre-made template or basic design without much thought, that will end up translating to potential customers.

Think about the logos of some of the biggest names in the world: Amazon, Facebook/Meta, Google, McDonalds. The list goes on and on. Even without the company name with the logo, when you see it you know what it is. These logos are extremely valuable to those companies and they pay top dollar for them.

Professional Logo Design For Small Businesses

Our logo designer carefully designs each aspect of your logo from start to finish. There is nothing in the logo design that doesn’t have a purpose or meaning because there is no sense in wasting space or resources. A custom, professionally-made logo communicates trust to potential customers. It shows that you care about your brand/company identity which can lead to more sales.

There are tons of different styles for designing your logo, and our logo designer can help walk you through the process of choosing a design. Or, if you already have an idea of what you want to go for, you can provide that information for us to build on. Whatever your needs are, we are dedicated to delivering a great logo to you that not only you will love, but your customers as well.

Learn more about our logo design services.