Virtual Administrator For Your Small Business

While running the day-to-day operations of your small business is important, it can quickly take up a lot of your time as the owner. The more time you are dedicating to these tasks, the less time you have for improving your business or even spending time with your family. You may have thought about hiring someone, but that comes with its own obstacles as well.

So, what’s a virtual administrator? A virtual admin is someone that you can outsource numerous day-to-day tasks to. Many of these tasks are office-related tasks. One of the major aspects that they can assist you with is scheduling and maintaining appointments for you.

Ready to free up dozens of hours of your time? KANA Solutions allows your small business to have a unique experience with using a virtual administrator. Not only will they help with your day-to-day operations, they are also your bridge for communication for the other services you get from us.

KANA Solutions is dedicated to providing big solutions to small businesses at affordable rates. We strongly believe in supporting small business growth, so we put major small business services together in one place. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation about virtual administrator services.

Saving Time & Money

Acquiring virtual administrator services will save you and your small business a ton of time while also improving productivity. No longer will you have to keep up with appointments and scheduling while also balancing every other aspect of your small business.

  • Get your schedule and appointments maintained by an organized professional

  • Do you have time to manage your emails every five minutes? Didn’t think so, but a virtual admin can do that

  • Virtual admins can also handle a lot of phone call services for your business, from making to taking calls

  • If you have important meetings, your virtual admin can be included on a call so that they can take important notes for you

Outsource Tasks

Making a schedule and keeping a schedule are two separate beasts to conquer. Your virtual admin can help to create and maintain your schedule while providing you with important reminders. Other tasks a virtual admin can take over include:

  • High quality reports about your small business operations that are easy to read and provide valuable insight

  • Managing a contact or client list is extremely important, especially for business-to-business

  • Include your virtual admin via a phone call or video call for important meetings so that they can record notes or even meeting minutes

  • Virtual admins can assist you with organizing, formatting, and managing numerous small business documents that you use on a daily basis

Virtual Admin for E-Commerce

Virtual administrators are phenomenal assets for a growing e-commerce business. In addition to normal business operations that they can handle, there are also tasks specific to e-commerce that can drastically increase your productivity:

  • Get various reports compiled and sent to you for orders and purchases on your e-commerce site

  • Provide virtual customer service to customers on the website

  • Data entry and order tracking, inventory management, etc

  • And much more

Contact Us For a Consultation

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