Document Preparation and Proofing

Hate paperwork? Unfortunately, once you enter the business world you will never be able to escape paperwork and documents. While paperwork can be a headache to deal with, properly formatted and worded documents are essential for numerous business functions. These functions can be internal or external.

Two of the most important internal business documents to develop as your small business grows are company policies and standard operating procedures (also known as SOP’s). If you are ever looking to scale your business growth, these documents are a must. They speed up the training and new hire process dramatically which is beneficial for both your business and the people that you hire.

Having well-written, concise documents in all aspects of your small business is really important. Not only can these documents protect your business, but it shows a high level of professionalism to your clients.

KANA Solutions is dedicated to providing big solutions to small businesses at affordable rates. We strongly believe in supporting small business growth, so we put major small business services together in one place. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation about our document preparation and document proofing services.

Document Preparation Services

Developing company documents isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially if you aren’t very familiar with technical and corporate writing. Using the wrong personality in the writing style or easy to spot typos and grammar errors are very noticeable.

  • We’ll work with your small business to prepare a variety of vital documents

  • Get well written company policies for your small business to help your employees understand what is expected

  • Documents that you will be providing clients are just as important as your internal documents

Document Proofing Services

Proofing your company’s documents goes far beyond simple proofreading for spelling errors. Document proofing involves reviewing your documents to ensure there aren’t any errors while also ensuring the information is presented well.

  • Have your documents fully proofed for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

  • Ensure that your company documents are well written and easy to read

  • While being easy to read, document proofing also checks to make sure the information is presented logically

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